The Tea Table

The Freshness Fight

Keeping tea fresh is the best way to keep it tasting better for a longer period of time. Who are the enemies of freshness and how can you fight them? The first rule is to know your enemy.

  • Enemy #1: We breathe it! That's right, it's oxygen! Ever heard the terms "oxidize" or "oxidation" before? It means oxygen exposure.
  • Enemy #2: Water! Moisture is bad for tea. Not only will you have oily tea but it will make your tea full of mold and bacteria.
  • Enemy #3: Light! Light will break down your tea, destroy its flavor and color in the process.
  • Enemy #4: Smells! Bad smells are a huge problem for tea, as your tea will absorb them if you don't store it properly. Any bad smell will seep into your tea over time.

So What should you do to win this fight?


  • Do store your tea in an airtight container. Choose a double lidded or plug top container or jar. vacuum sealed glass jars are even better.
  • Do keep your tea away from sunlight and inside a cupboard or dark place.


  • Don't store your tea with other food items even if you are storing them in airtight containers. Your tea WILL smell bad and lose its flavour after a week or less.
  • Don't keep your tea near sources of water where the risk of water contamination is high.