
Ayubovan Tea comes from some of the finest estates in Sri Lanka and are sourced from the best harvests.  Ayubovan Tea is born on the freshness of the best tea leaves in the country. Balanced carefully like a dew drop on a leaf, each batch of tea is sourced from the finest producers and comes to you in a pack of undiluted freshness. Smell it, inhale it and taste the flavours that have been sealed in each pack of Ayubovan Tea just for your singular pleasure. 

At the Auctions

What goes on inside the auction? How do you pick the finest lots ? The tea is carefully tasted prior to purchase and evaluated for longevity. After due process the tea is purchased at the only approved channel for purchases weekly tea auctions. Why do you give it so much importance? It is important to get the perfect balance to optimize quality, perfecting the character of tea and preservation of quality. See how we do it

Our Tasters

As you sip your perfectly blended cup of Ayubovan Tea, you are sharing the art of the tea taster who created the Ayubovan blend. Clear your mind while you pay close attention to the smell, the texture, the distinct flavour and colour of your tea. Imagine creating your perfect cup every single day from a simple batch of tea leaves. How do we do it ? Find out how

A Tea Taster's Tips

In a perfect cup of tea you need several components:

  1. Smell
  2. Flavour/Character
  3. Strength
  4. Colour
  5. Aftertaste

Smell – After you brew the tea you should be able get a fresh and smooth aroma. – Tea Tasters call it Aroma. An attractive smell sometimes referred to as "nose" or "bouquet." Flavour: Ayubovan Tea has a distinct Dimbula character which is sweet. – Tea Tasters call it Character or Flavour Strength: Tea should have sufficient strength to bring out the character of tea when mixed with milk. The liquor of the tea possesses strength of body and flavor. Colour: Tea when perfectly brewed should have a coppery colour. Coppery is a term that describes the color of the infused leaf and denotes its quality. Aftertaste: Tea should leave you with a sweet taste. When you sip a cup which has the above characteristics it brings out a relaxing experience and leaves a calmness within you. This will confirm that you have yourself a high quality tea. After steeping your Ayubovan tea in hot water, remove and smell the tea leaves after they have infused their flavor into your cup. Don't overlook this important part of the tea tasting experience. Open up you bag and examine the leaves to see if they show the following characteristics.

  • Aroma: Leaves have a fragrant smell.
  • Bright: Leaves have a lively reflective quality rather than looking dull.
  • Coppery: Leaves have a coppery color, usually denoting a good quality tea.