Ayubovan Tea

Thirsty for something more than just an ordinary cup of tea? Experience Ayubovan Tea and find out why we believe Tea is more than just a drink...it's a tradition, a privilege and a way of life.

Ayubovan Tea is a warm emotional greeting in every Sri Lankan’s life. Like a cupful of positive energy that wakes you up every morning, fixes your mood after a heavy day and soothes you into bed every night.

Ayubovan is our greeting to every Sri Lankan who truly relishes their cup of tea. A simple but sacred tribute to the significance of tea in the everyday lives of Sri Lankans as they go about their work – a constant companion - like an old friend who visits often to comfort and keep you company. 

If Tea is our heritage then Ayubovan Tea is our legacy to you. We have begun this journey to re-introduce you to the true taste and excellence of Ceylon Tea and we hope it will help you on your way to that perfect cup of tea.  Come say Ayubovan!