Brew it right

How Much?

This depends on how you like your tea but a good rule of thumb is:

A good teaspoon of tea and one cup of water per person.

Each time you brew Ayubovan tea different subtleties of the delicate flavours will be released.

We have made sure that Ayubovan Tea is available as loose tea as well as in tea bags because we know that loose tea gives you a much stronger flavour. Here is how you can brew your Ayubovan Tea to make that perfect cup. Achieving the perfect cup of tea depends on not just the correct tea. You need to have the right water temperature, the tools and the timing.


Use freshly filtered water or spring water. Never boil the same water twice because this lessens the oxygen content and will make your tea taste flat. Tea made with water at 100°c will be more astringent and less sweet.

For this special blend of Ayubovan black tea use water around 100°c or just as the water reaches a rolling boil with medium sized bubbles. 


The 8th Century Chinese poet Lu Yu also known as the Sage of Tea wrote, that tea must be drunk in a porcelain cup to enjoy a truly delicious cup. Tastes might differ but Lu Yu's suggestion that tea is drunk from a porcelain cup is highly recommended.

A kettle
A teapot
A strainer
Tea cup
A Comfy chair


For Ayubovan tea the steeping times really differ with preference. If you want to drink the tea on its own (without milk) 1-2 minutes is ideal but if you want to build the strong tannic flavours you may want to leave it longer for 3-5 minutes. 

  • Step 1: If it is loose tea add one tea spoon per cup and one for the pot. If it is tea bag add one tea bag to a cup. if you like a stronger tea then go ahead and add two bags per cup
  • Step 2: Add fresh water to a kettle and boil once.
  • Step 3: Pour one cup of water per person to a pot and stir. If it is tea bag please add boiling water to cup.
  • Step 4: Leave it for 3 – 5 minutes to brew to get the best.
  • Step 5: Pour in to a cup
  • Step 6: Add sugar / Milk

We hope you agree that the flavour is well worth the wait.

Milk and sugar?

Adding milk and sugar is wholly a matter of taste. We hope you let us know how your brewing experience goes. Don't hesitate to contact us with your opinions or questions.